

By As seen in Macaroni Kid EATS! July 7, 2024

July is National Watermelon Month! 

When you think of summer, what foods come to mind for you? For me, I think of corn on the cob, pasta salad, grilled dogs and burgers, smores, and WATERMELON! A summer just wouldn't be a summer without watermelon, right? Watermelon adds a new twist and a sweet flavor to different recipes that your taste buds will not be expecting. 

Here are a few ways to enjoy watermelon in July or all summer long! 

Add to your salads

Add to salsa and jams

  • Add to your favorite salsa or mango salsa for a sweet element
  • Chop into your favorite chutney or jam recipe

Don't throw out the rinds!

Just remove the green and you can make all kinds of treats!

  • Pickle the rinds for a tart treat
  • Grate the rinds and add to coleslaw

Slice it

  • Eat it as is, or bring out the sweetness by sprinkling a little sea salt on your slices
  • Add to toast with goat cheese, honey and thyme

Grill it

  • For a savory treat, grill slices or chunks and try different spices and flavors like chili powder and lime or honey
  • Grill Caribbean kabobs with chicken, pineapple, peppers, and watermelon

For dessert

  • Granitas are so refreshing. We love this one from The Pioneer Woman using ... you guessed it...watermelon
  • How about a cake made out of watermelon? Peel, cut in the shape you'd like, ice with whipped topping and top with berries. So fun!

Watermelon is not only delicious but healthy too — it is full of vitamins A & C, lycopene, potassium, and amino acids. So don't just grab this big round ball of goodness for the holiday — enjoy it all summer long. 

How does your family love watermelon? Email us at and we will add it to our list!


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