Atlanta Ballet Fellowship Ensemble's version of Snow White combines classic ballet with a narrated fairy tale. Designed for younger audiences (12 and under), the narrator makes it easier for younger children to understand and enjoy what they see on the stage.
All of the familiar elements of the beloved fairy tale are present, from charming woodland animals, such as fox and deer, to the delightful Seven Dwarfs, who were Katie's favorites. These, along with graceful dancing trees, are all portrayed by extremely talented students from the Atlanta Ballet's Centre for Dance Education.
All of the costumes are gorgeous! We immediately recognized Snow White by her lovely dress with a blue bodice and yellow skirt complete with a red bow in her hair.
The king, queen and pas de deux dancers are especially regal in their ornate costumes and the Lady in the Mirror is exquisite in her flowing blue gown.
Katie and I agreed that the use of a gossamer drape over the sleeping Snow White awaiting her prince was breathtaking.
My favorite character was the Evil Stepmother, dressed from head to toe in black, complete with sinister minions, Magic Mirror and a crown to die for! Her transformation into the old beggar woman with a tattered cape, selling apples was exceptionally clever.
Katie and I both loved this charming one-hour ballet version of Snow White and think your family will also. Cheer on our young heroine and her prince as they foil the plots of the evil queen!
Disclaimer: Katie and I were the guests of the Atlanta Ballet in connection with the preparation of this article. No other compensation was received and all opinions expressed are my own.