What could be better than home-baked rolls for Thanksgiving?
Why a message inside every one!
Think fortune cookie gone pilgrim.
All you need is:
1. Your favorite roll recipe.
Here is mine:
*Get in car
*Drive to store
*Go to freezer section
*Pick up frozen rolls that need to rise
*Pay in cash
*Take home
*Re-pack my own storage bag
*Throw away all evidence at the bottom of the trash as if I am a smuggler
2. Foil
3. Slips of paper that will spark a conversation about how thankful you are. Feel free to throw in a few saying, "I am thankful for MOM because" That will score points for you if you have a grandmother present OR they will be forced to sing YOUR praises. After all, the ROLL said it NOT YOU!
*Take out the rolls you pre-made to thaw.
*Take the notes and fold them into squares within the foil.
*Put them in the center of the rolls before they rise.
*Bake as directed
And there you have it! A thankful roll!
You MAY want to tell your guests about the foil surprise. No one wants a trip to the ER on Thanksgiving!