
Mother's Day Craft Gift Idea: Family Hands

By By: Christine LaGrosse, MK Robinson May 13, 2012

Family HandPrint Collage 

As Seen On KDKA TV  Pittsburgh, PA

This Family Hand Print is the perfect Mother’s Day project because it shows the entire families hands layered in construction paper.


Construction Paper or if you want fancy, scrap booking paper


Glue Stick


 Step 1:  Carefully trace around one hand on each family member.  TIPS:  Trace on the non-fancy side of the paper and flip it over so you don’t see pencil marks.  Also, start with the smallest hand first. Once you have that, lay that cut out hand print under the next person’s hand you’re tracing in order to get a relatively equal amount of spacing between the fingers.


 Step 2:  Cut out each hand print.

 Step 3:  I used glue to hold the hand prints together and then glued all of them on a white sheet of paper.

 Step 4:  Print, type or stencil the date and/or names of the family members.

 Step 5:  Place in the frame and get ready to glow with pride as you display a fabulous family memory!