

March 20, 2015
This summer, give your children the opportunity for #ThePerfectLegacySummer2015, with Legacy Academy! 

Celebrate, invent, explore and have a blast as we create amazing memories with new friends! We’ll keep our minds learning and developing over the summer months with educational activities that are innovative and exciting. 

Each week at Legacy Academy's Summer Camp, we’ll combine #inventthefuture, #ourfavoriteart,  #challangingsports, #bestfieldtripsever, and many more. We’ll be #havingfunthissummer with  #Perfectsummeractivities, all summer long.
Join us for The Perfect Legacy Summer, we offer a full day camp including nutritious meals and all field trips included.   Camp Begins on Tuesday May 26th and continues until August 7th. Click HERE for more information.

Call the center nearest you to enroll or learn more.  Legacy Academy Berkeley Lake 770.573.1700 or Legacy Academy Satellite 770.622.9300

Join us as your children create the best Summer Camp experience ever!