
Want to be a Macaroni Kid Publisher? Join a team of 550 Publisher Moms

October 26, 2014
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Want the ability to work on your own time and leisure? Do you want the opportunity to have your own business? Would you love to become closer with parents in your community? Do you love being in the know? If some or all of these apply to you, you just might make a perfect publisher. Know of a relative or friend who maybe perfect? Have them contact me!

Macaroni Kid Publishers develop content, publish their local newsletters and websites and keep all of the local advertising revenue and other publisher perks (free tickets to events, discounted travel, and more).  The perks are great! 

So if you, or someone you know, is looking for a “Wobby” (wobby = work + hobby), send an email to and we’ll send you some info to check out!