
Holiday Survival Guide

By By: Ashley Sweeney MS, RD, LD November 24, 2013

1.   Do activities that get the whole family moving- go for a walk, play football, play charades, go to the gym together, etc. 

2.   Don’t “save room” for calories later and don’t skip meals! Eat small meals throughout the day or every 2-4 hours.

3.   Bring a healthy item to contribute. Help the host by bringing a healthy side, tossed salad, or light dessert to share.

4.   Don’t linger around the food. Move away from the kitchen or wherever food and appetizers are being put out. You will mindlessly snack.

5.   If you are the host:

a.   Don’t place items all over the house.

b.   Don’t have food available all day. Keep the kitchen hours to specific times. This prevents you and others from snacking on unhealthy appetizers all day long.

c.    Have calorie free drinks available.

d.   Have healthy items.

6.   Only have one alcoholic drink. Then stick to water.

7.   If you are going to drink more, alternate one alcoholic beverage with water.

8.   Lighten up your recipes:

a.   Use fat-free broth to baste turkey and make gravy.

b.   Use sugar substitutes such as stevia, fruit purees or bananas in place of sugar in baked goods.

c.    Don’t add butter, oils, sour cream on top any dishes.

d.   Use plain yogurt, fat free sour cream, or skim milk in dips, mashed potatoes and casseroles.

9.   Survey the options before you put everything on your plate. Choose the items you really want, and have a small portion. Skip things that you don’t really like in the first place or you can have any other day of the year.  

10.   Stock up on the vegetable that is being served. Eat the veggies first.

11.   Eat slowly. Take your time to really enjoy the special foods. Put down your fork between bites and drink a glass of water.

12.    Be realistic. Don’t set yourself up for failure. You are allowed to have dessert and “indulge” every once in a while. This is a special occasion with special treats. Weight loss may not be as realistic as weight maintenance is during this time. 

Have a happy, healthy day!
Ashley Sweeney MS, RD, LD